

Besides being substances enriched with Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium, the basic material used comes from animal faeces. In their processing, the most hazardous gas is ammonia which develops in big quantities during the first period of seasoning, which often takes place in closed rooms. Like in other places where a decomposition process occurs, the second risk involved here is due to hydrogen sulphide.


Ammonia (NH3): it is a basic substance of animal faeces and basic ingredient to produce most of fertilizers marketed nowadays.
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S): after ammonia, it is the second gas present in this substance. It is general present as sub-product in every decomposition process of organic materials.


NH3: colourless, with an irritating, sharp smell, inflammable, toxic. Ammonia irritates the mucosa of the conjunctiva, nostrils and pharynx through a scalding action. Moreover, ammonia has a general scalding action.
H2S: colourless gas stands out for its characteristic smell of rotten eggs. A low-concentration exposure causes eye and throat irritation, cough, acceleration of breathing and fluid formation in the respiratory ways. High concentrations kill the olfactory nerve so making impossible to smell its disgusting odour, and may cause unconsciousness in few minutes.

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