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Software Ver. 1.05.

  • Connection from analyzer to local computer by RS232 and RS485
  • Data unloading and storing (not changeable way)
  • Events unloading and storing (alarms, failures, etcs)
  • Printing and exporting of real and stored values
  • Data base with value searching in given periods
  • Graphic display of historical data on real time
  • Display of combustion trend on real time

This product is very simple and intuitive to be used because of its complete graphic
displaying of every parameter required. The use of the software is particularly useful when
supervising the combustion trend from a remote place, but also to signal alarm of standstill
conditions of the system. Moreover, it can create historical file of data connected to the
relevant period; consequently, the data base can be looked up in just by entering the
period wished, and the values required be represented graphically. Filing can be also
created based on definite periods, i.e. operation seasons.

Windows: Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98, v7
RS 232: Connetion 3m (max)
RS485: Connetion 1Km (max)
Installation: auto installing

The communication through Modbus Rtu binary protocol, happens through RS232 or RS485 with the following parameters: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit

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CPF Industriale
CPF Industriale
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Geca srl
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Tel. 030.3730218
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Tecnocontrol srl
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via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel. 02.26922890
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