
CE424 - Centrale à micro- processeur de détection de gaz, 4 -24 voies

CE424 - Centrale à micro- processeur de détection de gaz, 4 -24 voies

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Ideal control panels for medium gas detection systems, high performances. The big RGB colour back lighted display placed on the front panel allows the actual visualization in real time of all reading values of the connected sensors. Equipped by a serial RS485 door that connect until n° 2 remote units that allow to manage 8 IN and 9 OUT in central, up to 24 detectors and 25 output relays. The intuitive keyboard allows in an intuitive way to use the control panel and the programming is facilitated by the self-driving system and by the preconfiguration of our detectors.

  • Compatible to all sensors series “SE” and “TS” with output 4-20mA
  • RS485 door to connect max. n° 2 CE380UR remote units
  • Easy setup with pre-configurated list of pre-programmed detectors
  • Configuration protected by a password (3 safety levels)
  • AND, OR and PARKING (DM 1/2/86 o EN50545-1) logical operation usable in zones
  • “RESET” function
  • Last events visualized on the display (100)
  • Operation/Working visualization with backlighting display
  • Clock with automatic daylight saving time
  • Check inputs/outputs boards presence
  • SD Card for:
    - Firmware updating
    - data logger
    - programming backup
  • N° 2 batteries of 12V 1,3 Ah can be setting

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Spécifiques standard

Alimentation: 230Vca
Entrées:: max 24 detectors (4 installed expandable to 24 with n° 1 ES404 and n° 2 CE380UR)
Sortie: max 1
Relais: max 25 (5 installed expandable to 25 with n° 1 ES414 and n° 2 CE380UR)
Débit:: 3A (resistives) SPDT 230Vac
Alarm levels: 3 programmable levels + fault, level programmable in zone
Dimensions: 285(l)x230(h)x140(p) mm
CPF Industriale
CPF Industriale
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Geca srl
P.IVA 03124320171
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel. 030.3730218
Fax. 030.3730228
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Tecnocontrol srl
P.IVA 03543100170
via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel. 02.26922890
Fax. 02.2133734
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