
Kit de calibration

Kit de calibration

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The purpose of this product is to isolate the sensitive element stayed on board the sensor from the surrounding atmosphere, to do so it can be invested by the only gas calibration sample. The calibration kit consists of a glass cylinder whose inner diameter fits perfectly with our sensors, is contained in the part where the sensing element. The sealing is guaranteed by an "O-ring" internal while the correct rate of flow is visible from the flow meter mounted on board. To complete what is necessary for the correct calibration, we recommend using the BO301 "cylinder valve." The valve will be used to draw off the gas from cylinders of test gas (disposable), and adjust the flow required to perform this operation in an ideal way.

TC011 For industrial sensors
Calibration kit for industrial gas sensor equipped of a calibration mask and a flow meter that allows the proper flow rate.

Calibration kit for Industrial gas sensor equipped of a calibration mask and a flow meter that allows the proper flow rate. Built in stainless steel, which is essential for the use of reactive gases or highly reactive.

CPF Industriale
CPF Industriale
P.IVA 03131150173
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
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Geca srl
P.IVA 03124320171
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel. 030.3730218
Fax. 030.3730228
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Tecnocontrol srl
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Tel. 02.26922890
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