
AC999 Brixia manomètre pour test de la pression de l extincteur

AC999 Brixia manomètre pour test de la pression de l extincteur

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BRIXIA PRESSURE TEST with integrated management software is a digital pressure gauge to check the pressure of the extinguisher suitable to comply with the requirements defined in the standard EN 3-7:2008.

SW999 is the software that allows you to download measurements stored in memory directly on the PC with New software to download the control pressure tests


  • Memory expansion up to 90 measurements
  • Possibility to enter the identification number of the customer
  • Possibility of using the software directly enter the company header for the receipt
  • Possibility of updating the version already in possession
  • SW999 Software with supplied USB cable
  • Software available in English or Italian


The 'AC999 is a digital pressure gauge for leak testing in automatic fire extinguishers that indicates whether the extinguisher is compliant or non-compliant. And 'possible to print a receipt of the test result by means of the infrared printer fronita to corredo.I results of the tests can be saved in memory.

Connect BRIXIA Pressure Test the PC with a special USB cable and software included SW999 download the control measurements performed pressure.

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Spécifiques standard

Ecran: LCD 8 caractères sur 2 lignes
Batterie: Li-ion 3.6 Vdc 1.1 Ah
Connexion pneumatique: M10x1
Poids valise: environ : 1.4Kg
Imprimante: externe infrarouge, largeur papier 58mm
Echelle pression: 0...+ 35bar
Résolution: 0.1 bar
Précision: +- 1% fs
Autonomie moyenne: 30 heures
Temps de recharge batterie: 4 heures
Dimensions instrument: 230mmx80mmx35mm
Alimentation: Alimentation externe 230Vca pour recharge ou alimentation directe (également pour imprimante)
Température de fonctionnement: -5 +60°C
Température de stockage: -20 +85°C
Pression maximale applicable: 65 bar
BRIXIA con software gestionale integrato / Brixia with management software
Software gestionale / Management Software
CPF Industriale
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