
GRF220 conduit détecteur de fumée

GRF220 conduit détecteur de fumée

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Duct smoke detector provides early warning of smoke by continually sampling air movement within heating and ventilation ducts in industrial and commercial premises. The duct smoke detector provides switching facilities to shut down associated fans to prevent the spread of smoke and toxic gases into other areas. GRF is specifically recommended for installations in ducts with low airflow. The device operates in air speeds between 5 m/s to 20 m/s. Is available on demand a sampling pipe that maximise the Venturi effect through the optical smoke detector camber. The length of the sampling tube is determined by the width of the ventilation duct. The sampling tube is available in three length: 0,6 mt, 1,5 mt and 2,8 mt. Base for sensor included.


Spécifiques standard

Size: 180 x 183 x 235mm
Weight: 700 g.
Material sampling tube: Aluminum
CPF Industriale
CPF Industriale
P.IVA 03131150173
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel. 030.310461
Fax. 030.310465
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Geca srl
P.IVA 03124320171
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel. 030.3730218
Fax. 030.3730228
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Tecnocontrol srl
P.IVA 03543100170
via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel. 02.26922890
Fax. 02.2133734
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