
SYNCRO AS Centraux analogiques 1-2 loop

SYNCRO AS Centraux analogiques 1-2 loop

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The central unit SYNCRO AS is a single and double Loop Analogue addressable control panel. SYNCRO AS has the same display, functionality, menu, control and options configuration as central unit SYNCRO. Equipped of 3A power supply and battery charger compensated in temperature, it has all necessary power for sound devices installable directly on Loop. SYNCRO AS supports all remote repeaters, boards with 16 channels I/O, relay boards, acoustic sirens, boards for conventional zones and it can manage up to 512 additional programmable. Available 16 areas LED indicators. The central unit SYNCRO AS is also available with an ample housing, where there is a second entrance to install additional equipment like a thermal printer or additional keys. All with or without LED of indicator. This housing allows the lodging of a 18Ah battery.


  • Available for 1 loop or 2 loop
  • EN54-2 AND EN54-4 compliant
  • Managing up to 240 device per loop for Argus Vega
  • 3A power supply
  • Siren and lamping signal powered directly from the Loop
  • Up to 512 additional programmable inputs and outputs
  • 16 zonal LED indicator
  • Sensitivity adjustment
  • Compatible with Syncro
  • Stores 1000 last events in event log
  • Modem connection available


KM 73505

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