


Dalì is a new intelligent chronothermostat which can be checked and programmed via a very simple APP. It can be installed on a flush-mounting box with 2 or 3 modules or wall. Powered at 230V, it allows you to always have information on the heating and air conditioning system and settings it. In addition to the typical functions of “smart” chronothermostats, Dalì, unique on the market, surprises thanks to a feature that makes monitoring the health of the air in the home.


"Digital Thermostat/Programmable Thermostat with humidistat function and indoor air quality monitoring and control function."

Dalì Programmable Thermostat with Air quality Monitor

Dalì Programmable Thermostat with Air quality Monitor



Gecapp Crono 2016

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Thanks to sophisticated sensors, Dalì measure, in addition to temperature, the levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), carbon dioxide (CO2) and relative humidity, communicating, if the user wishes, the exceeding of the recommended exposure limits.
A led strip on the device (can be deactivated) visually the state of health of the air, lighting up in three different colors.
The App, which is able to manage multiple programmable thermostats, allows you to switch on or off the heating or air conditioning system, switch to manual mode, set the anti-freeze function and activate, if necessary, alarms when exceeding the set temperatures.Thanks to geolocation, the device can be activated.
Thanks to geolocation, the device can be activated/deactivated automatically based on the distance of the user from the home.
Dalì is predisposed for a wireless connection to a relay, that allows the activaction of any air purifiers, ventilation systems, etc.

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Spécifiques standard

Power supply: 100÷260 Vca 50÷60 Hz
Connection type: Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
Air quality monitoring: Volatile Organic Compounds (tVOC), Carbon Dioxide, Humididy
Geolocation: yes, settable according to the distance from the device
Temperature deviation correction: ± 5° C
Led brightness: automatic or manually adjiustable
Temperature threshold alarm: Yes, when exceeded
Programming: Every 30 minutes
User control: Yes (with optional password)
Temperature’s range: Winter: +5 / +30°C
Summer: +15 / +35°C
Temperature’s step: Winter: ±0.2°C Summer: ±0.2°C
Thermal differential: Adjustable from 0.2 to 5°C
Contact capacity: 230 Vac - 5A (Resistive load)
Installation:On recessed box 2 or 3 modules


Dalì 310 - cod. 33102671 Recessed
Dalì 312 - cod. 33122673 Wall
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