
Interschutz exhibition 2015

09 Luglio 2015

CPF Industriale  will be present at Interschutz exhibition held in Hannover , Germany between 8th and 13th June 2015.

We look forward to seeing you at Hannover exhibition centre – HALL 13 Stand F46 , to show and demonstrate the advantages of our products.

We hope to seeing you there . In the mine time if you need any information for our products do not hesitate to contact us.



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CPF Industriale
CPF Industriale
P.IVA 03131150173
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel. 030.310461
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Geca srl
P.IVA 03124320171
via E.Fermi, 98 - 25064 Gussago (BS), Italy
Tel. 030.3730218
Fax. 030.3730228
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Tecnocontrol srl
P.IVA 03543100170
via Miglioli, 47 - 20054 Segrate (MI), Italy
Tel. 02.26922890
Fax. 02.2133734
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